
Own Living History

Evolved by natural selection to be uniquely adapted to Texas, the iconic Texas Longhorn amalgamates the annals that built this country with contemporay conservation of the future of our food supply.

DWD Longhorns herd is registered with Cattlemen's Texas Longhorn Registry.

Bulls are DNA tested, showing no evidence of impurity.  All breeding stock are parentage tested for accuracy in pedigree.  Precise record-keeping is paramount in safeguarding genetic diversity.  

DWD Longhorns logo with head of red twisty-horned Texas Longhorn cow

Deborah and Don Davis began raising Texas Longhorn cattle in 1991.  DWD Longhorns seedstock have withstood the test of time; enduring droughts, floods, searing triple-digit temperatures, and extended below-freezing spells.  Year after year, these superior genetics wean an average 99% calf crop.  A holistic approach to breeding stock selection placing diversity of pedigree, mothering ability, fertility, low-maintenance, and hearty range-efficiency before our horn and color preference has resulted in exceptional examples of heritage Texas Longhorn cattle.

You are invited to browse our breedig herd photo book and learn about these remarkable cattle.

We are here to help you start your own herd of conservation Texas Longhorn cattle.  We are happy to share our 30+ years of successess and failures.  We are fortunate to have known and purchased our foundation stock from the founders of Cattlemen's Texas Longhorn Registry.  Enrique E. Guerra, Maudeen Marks, Lawrence Wallace, Fayette Yates, and Biologists at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Joe and Lori 'Chip' Kimball taught us to discern traditional Texas Longhorn phenotypes from contemporary Africanized hybrids. Conserving these Critically Endangered cattle has been our lifes' passion.
