Mature Cows for Sale
We convince ourselves to let go of our beautiful mature cows on contention, we have kept a good replacement heifer. This is an opportunity for new breeders to purchase at a reasonable price, twisty-horned cattle for their front pasture, while the cows are still young enough to give them a few calves before becoming a beautiful head mount over their mantle. Our grande-dames are offered with conditions. The buyer must take a minimum of two, since these girls have lived their entire lives together.

DWD Jewel 108/06
Born 8/29/2006, she has been a favorite of ours for many years. This big-bodied, dilute brindle spotted cow is the daughter of a cow given to us by Fayette Yates. Jewel just weaned a spotted bull calf.
Price: $2000

DWD Sundance 203/08
Born 5/24/2008, this unusual yellow brindle colored cow has a gentle temperament. She just weaned a yellow and white paint bull calf.
Price: $2000

DWD Francesca 18/11
Born 4/18/2011, she is an A.I. daughter of the blue bull Anchor D Frantz Yates 2/0. Francesca has a frisky, playful temperament. She should calve this spring.
Price: $2000

DWD Sacred Datura 36
Born 3/27/2012, Datura is a stunningly beautiful cow. Debbie loves this cow. Datura will take range cubes from her hand while she is seated in a vehicle. However, Datura takes great sport in chasing Don. This cow will charge if she thinks you are threatening her calf. She behaves normally in the pasture but gets worked-up in the pens. Datura is a fierce protector of her calves, so should not be approached on foot if her calf is near. She is very intelligent and has a long memory. She is not appropriate for children or elderly breeders.
Price: $2000
DWD Longhorns, LLC
3361 CR 211 Hondo, TX 78861
office (830) 562-3650 • cell (830) 796-1057
Copyright © 2023 DWD Longhorns, LLC
All rights reserved.